Happy Weekend, Pirate families! Our biggest FUNdraising event is just a week away! If you'd like a ticket reserved for the Millionaire Party before we sell out and you haven't called the office or contacted a Booster member, please fill out the Google Form and we will get your ticket(s) to you next week! You need not be present to win!
1 day ago, Mrs. Kerr
Due to inclement weather, this evening’s Pre-Festival Band Concert has been canceled. Be sure to join us on March 8th at North Branch High School for our JH/HS MSBOA Festival performance!
3 days ago, Mike Klepp
Good evening, Peck Pirates. School will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, February 13th. Sleep in, relax, and enjoy your day.
3 days ago, Peck Community Schools
Attention JH/HS Art students and parents: Your child was given a permission slip to authorize their art being submitted to the Congressional Art Competition of 2025. These are due back to Mrs. Soehren signed by the student and parent/guardian by Friday. If something happens and there is no school please turn slips in Tuesday. All art students are submitting various art pieces to this competition which will be in May. More information will follow as we get closer. The rules and guidelines were also given to each student along with what kind of art can be submitted. This is to be a nonpolitical art contest. All students will be given a certificate from the House of Representatives by Lisa McClain. Other awards are given per art medium groups. Best in show overall gets a trip for 2 to Washington D.C. and artwork is displayed in the White House for 1 year. The winner gets to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony of their artwork being added to the White House. Last year a student from Marysville HS won! Any questions please feel free to email me at Thank you!!
3 days ago, Jen Soehren
All evening activities for tonight, Wednesday, February 12th have been canceled. The financial aid night has been rescheduled for next Wednesday, 2/19/25.
4 days ago, Peck Community Schools
Attention all students in Mrs. Shephard's ELA classes: Don't forget that your First Impressions projects will be due March 21st. This is due for a grade, but it's also a wonderful opportunity to participate in a local contest and showcase your talent. Please contact Mrs. Shephard at with any questions.
4 days ago, Mrs. Shephard
10th Grade ELA: You will have a quiz over Things Fall Apart chapters 1-4 tomorrow at the start of class. Thank you.
5 days ago, Mrs. Shephard
Good morning, an athletics schedule update for this week. The JV girls basketball team will travel to Akron on Tuesday 2/11 start time 6pm. Our varsity girls will travel to Deckerville on 2/11 start time 6pm. Friday 2/14 our JV and Varsity boys basketball teams will travel to Mayville start time 6pm. Other games this week are correct as scheduled. Thank you.
6 days ago, James Welch We still have tickets left for our biggest fundraiser of the year-the Millionaire Party- and it is just TWO WEEKS away (2/22)! Please come out to help us support ALL PECK STUDENTS! This event helps us purchase items such as equipment, supplies, and field trips for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. If you would like a ticket and have not contacted the office or a Booster member, please click on the link to reserve one before we sell out. We will contact you and get you your ticket! Thank you for your generosity and support!
7 days ago, Mrs. Kerr
millionaire party
Good afternoon, sending a reminder about the elementary basketball clinic participants playing Tonight at the home basketball games, the 1st - 3rd grades will play at halftime of the JV boys game. Please be to the school cafeteria by 5:15. Grades 4th and 5th will play at halftime of the girls varsity game. Please be to the cafeteria by 6pm. Thank you.
8 days ago, James Welch
Good morning, tonight's varsity girls basketball game has been canceled. We will play three game vs Dryden tomorrow February 7th. JV boys will play first at 5:00pm, then varsity girls at approximately 6:30, followed by varsity boys. We will also have elementary basketball players that have attended the youth clinic play at halftime of the jv boys and varsity girls games. Elementary players will be divided into equal teams. Please have your child to the gym by 5:30 to prepare to play. Meeting in the cafeteria. Thank you.
10 days ago, James Welch
11th Grade: Your ELA quiz over legal terms is rescheduled for Monday. Chapter 1 and 2 notes are still due tomorrow, so make sure to finish reading these chapters.
10 days ago, Mrs. Shephard
Good morning. Peck Schools will be closed today, Thursday February 6th due to freezing rain. Thank you.
10 days ago, Peck Community Schools
Good afternoon. 9th graders, remember that your ELA vocab charts are due tomorrow at the start of class ( pages 31-34).
12 days ago, Mrs. Shephard
This Wednesday night at 6pm there will be a parents meeting in the media center for those who are interested in joining the trap team. Coach Risdon will have team rules, and other information for parents signatures.
12 days ago, James Welch
Good morning, just a reminder that this Friday February 7th at halftime of the varsity boys basketball game vs Dryden we will be having our elementary basketball clinic participants play a scrimmage. We would like to have participants at the school by 6:30pm Friday. Meeting in the cafeteria gym at 6:30pm. Thank you!
13 days ago, James Welch Please click REVISED link for Snowball details.
16 days ago, Mrs. Kerr
Update for elementary volleyball his evening, practice is from 5:30 until 7pm Thank you
17 days ago, James Welch
Good morning, a few athletics reminders. Tonight JH Boys basketball will travel to Kingston start time 6pm. Also, there will be elementary girl's volleyball practice tonight at 5:30 in the cafeteria gym. The roster has been set so we will not be able to except any more players this year. Thank you.
17 days ago, James Welch
Good afternoon, For those that have signed up and have attended the elementary basketball youth camp, we are inviting you to play at halftime of the boys varsity game on 2/7. Please be there by 6:30pm as we might have time to play at halftime of the JV game as well. Coach Abrego will have more information for parents on Saturday. Youth clinic will be from 10am - 12pm this Saturday 2/1 Thank you.
17 days ago, James Welch