Due to the circumstances created by the "Return to Learn" options and the closure of the high school from Thanksgiving to winter break, we have decided to adjust the requirements for our exams at the end of the semester.
Junior High will not have semester exams at this time. Semester grades for 6th-8th grade will be a 50/50 average of the two marking period grades.
High School students will be able to "opt-in" to exams if they need/want to take them for any reason. Any student who is passing without taking the exam will be allowed to waive the required exam. Students who are not passing a class, will be required to take and pass the exam in order to receive credit for the class. A passing student who chooses to take an exam will also have the choice of declining that grade if it lowers the student's semester grade. Teachers are currently working with students one-on-one to determine which route is necessary/best for them. If your child has questions or concerns, please contact the specific teacher to discuss those concerns.
Opt-in forms will need to have a parent signature and will be due to classroom teachers by Tuesday, January 12th. Students who do "opt-in" will be given scheduled appointments to take exams January 21st and 22nd.