Week of 11/2
Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 1. Remember to set your clocks to “fall back” 1 hour.
Picture Retake Day is 11/3. Please bring in your old package if you would like them redone. If you were absent on 9/18, you will be getting photographed. If you haven’t gotten photos yet and need a new picture form, please contact the office or your teacher.
Please note that we have an early release date scheduled for this WEDNESDAY, November 4th at 1:00 pm
Any seniors who missed out on FAFSA Night, please make an appointment with Mrs. Blatt if you would like access to the information covered or need assistance.
If there are any students in grades 9-12 who is interested in dual enrollment for second semester please see Mrs. Blatt this week. If you are currently dual enrolled this semester please turn in your paperwork for the second semester.
Picture Retakes will be on Tuesday, November 3rd. Call the high school office during business hours if you have any questions.
Heff-Jones will be here to meet with Seniors on November 3rd. Order packets will be due back by November 9th.
Early dismissal, Wednesday, November 4th at 1 pm.
Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 1. Remember to set your clocks to “fall back” 1 hour.
Volleyball Districts at Kingston: Wednesday at 6 pm vs. Mayville, Finals are Thursday at 7 pm. (Wednesday the gym will be cleared between games, so you will need to buy a second ticket if you want to stay for the 7:30 game).
NHS Induction Ceremony is Wednesday, November 11th at 7 pm in the gym-it is an INVITATION ONLY event.
NHS Blood Drive is Wednesday, November 18th in the Media Center beginning at 10 am.