

  • Children will be permitted to wear Halloween costumes on Friday, 10/30.  Teachers will give more specific instructions about their classrooms, but any costumes may be worn to school. Face paint might be problematic due to face masks. 

  • Please remember that with allergies and food safety protocols we cannot serve/distribute goodies that are homemade.  We are sorry for the inconvenience!

  • Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 1. Remember to set your clocks to “fall back” 1 hour.

  • Picture Retakes are November 3rd.  Please send original picture package in if wanting new photos.  Students who were absent on 9/18 will be having their photos taken as well. 

  • Please note that we have an early release date scheduled for November 4th at 1:00 pm

Junior High/High School

  • Mr. Hoppenworth and Mrs. Blatt will be hosting FAFSA night for all seniors and their parents on October 27th from 7-8 in the Media Center.  There will be a virtual presentation by SC4 followed by hands-on assistance for families by our staff.

  • If there is any student in grades 9-12 who is interested in dual enrollment for second semester please see Mrs. Blatt this week.  If you are currently dual enrolled this semester please turn in your paperwork for second semester.

  • Picture Re-takes will be on Tuesday, November 3rd. Call the high school office during business hours if you have any questions.

  • Heff-Jones will be here to meet with Seniors on November 3rd.  Order packets will be due back by November 9th.

  • Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 1. Remember to set your clocks to “fall back” 1 hour.